Master and Bull Digital Arts 应用

Seamanship IV 1.0
"Superb programs, Rousmaniere is a natural teacher." - CruisingWorld."An excellent job of covering basic seamanship in this program."- Sailing World.Don't set sail without viewing this expertly produced series. -People Magazine. Based on the famous book and narrated by theauthor himself, John Rousmaniere, these award-winning programs aresome of the most outstanding in the field. Featuring World RenownedSailing Expert John Rousmaniere.Application IntroFeaturing world renonwned sailing expert John Rousmaniere. Thisprogram teaches you step-by-step how to find your way with classicdead reckoning piloting and today's electronic navigationinstruments. Includes clear demonstrations on the water and in asimulated navigator's station in a Coast Guard certified navigationschool. Includes detailed close-ups, helpful graphics andimaginative presentations of how objects appear on the chart andwater, in good and bad visibility. Subjects covered include, thechart and compass, GPS, radar for navigating and avoidingcollisions, the navigation rules, finding your way in fog and atnight, taking and plotting bearings, allowing for tidal current,tips and tricks for quick decisions.
Smart Boating I 1.0
"Smart Boating is filled with essential information that everyboater needs to be aware of… beginners and professionals alike." -Jeff Hammond, Founder, Power and Motoryacht Magazine. "……. thecourse does contain a wealth of information in the form of over 250menu items and 290 engaging questions." Southern Boating MagazineThe BEST SERIES available & DEFINITIVE GUIDE for the Boater! Aprofessional, "must have" series for the Boater featuring detailedexplanations, illustrative examples & demonstrations followedby question & answer format reinforcing the informationlearned. The Smart Boating Series has more content than any otherrecreational boating course available and is the definitiveProfessional Guide for the Boater. Loaded with real-world examplesfrom Captain Steve Larivee, a licensed captain with over 30-yearsexperience, each program will take you from boating basics to aprofessional, advanced level in no time. A step-by-step approach,illustrative examples, clear demonstrations, followed by a questionand answer format review of the subjects taught, allows you to gainthe knowledge needed to become proficient in all aspects ofboating. The complete series will prepare you for any StatesCertification test with over 290 questions that reinforce thematerials learned. The series includes actual on-the-water footageand over 10-hours of step-by-step lessons. Captain Steve Larivee isa licensed captain with over 30 years of experience. He is thefounder and president of Maritime Smarts, the innovative marineeducation company dedicated to creating a better method of learningrecreational boating. His wealth of information and insight isinvaluable. It is his desire to pass on this knowledge, so that themost common and uncommon dangers in the water may beavoided.Application introEmergencies at sea can and do occur when you least expect them.The difference between a manageable emergency and an unmanageableone is usually based on how prepared you are to face the problem.In this program, Captain Steve Larivee takes you on a step-by-stepbreakdown of some of the most common and uncommon boatingemergencies and gives you the tools to competently handle them.Subjects covered include:Basic Emergency Management Procedure, Man Overboard Rescue, Takingon Water, Flooding, Swamping, Running Aground, Capsizing, FireFighting, Hypothermia, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Getting Rescued,Towing v's Salvage. Bonus Materials - The Bonus Material sectioncan only be accessed via your computer. Please insert the disc intoyour drive and navigate to the folder named "Bonus Materials".Bonus Material includes: Beaufort Wind Scale, Nautical ChartSymbols & Abbreviations, Homeland Security Warning, NauticalDictionary, Navigational Aids Chart, Pre-Departure Checklist,Printable Float Plan, PWIA Environmental Guide, PWIA Riding Rules,State Towing Laws, Survival Kit, Types of PFD, USCG Rules Of TheRoad, Vessel Fuel Log, VHF Marine Radios Frequencies.
Seamanship I 1.0
"Superb programs, Rousmaniere is a natural teacher." - CruisingWorld."An excellent job of covering basic seamanship in this program."- Sailing World."Will help Sailors be more confident and even enjoy sailing inheavy weather." - Gary Jobson.Don't set sail without viewing this expertly produced series. -People Magazine. Based on the famous book and narrated by theauthor himself, John Rousmaniere, these award-winning programs aresome of the most outstanding in the field. Featuring World RenownedSailing Expert John Rousmaniere.Application IntroFeaturing world renonwned sailing expert John Rousmaniere. Thisis the most complete and detailed instructional app ever made aboutsailing, from the first moment you first climb aboard, to droppinganchor. While this program deals with a voyage made under sail,many of the techniques demonstrated apply equally to power boaters,to whom seamanship and navigation skills are as important as to thesailor. Every maneuver and technique is demonstrated clearly withplenty of close ups and action replays. Subjects covered include,basic navigation and planning a cruise, sail handling and sailtrim, anchoring and docking, steering and boat handling, safety atsea, what to wear, moving around on deck, knots and rop work andmuch more.
Seamanship III 1.0
"Superb programs, Rousmaniere is a natural teacher." - CruisingWorld."An excellent job of covering basic seamanship in this program."- Sailing World.Don't set sail without viewing this expertly produced series. -People Magazine. Based on the famous book and narrated by theauthor himself, John Rousmaniere, these award-winning programs aresome of the most outstanding in the field. Featuring World RenownedSailing Expert John Rousmaniere.Application Intro:Featuring world renonwned sailing expert John Rousmaniere. Thisfast-paced informative appcovers the proven techniques andequipment for avoiding and handling nautical emergencies. Featuringhost-demonstrator John Rousmaniere, this program is for everyonewho realizes that enjoyment on the water depends on safety at sea.Subjects covered include, boat and crew preparation, staying onboard, going aloft in a boatswains chair, realistic man-overboardequipment demonstrations, heaving to, use of flares, governmentregulations, inflation of a life raft and much more.
History of Internet 2.0
This app answers questions children ask about the Internet such as:How do I connect to the Internet? What is an Internet server? Isthe World Wide Web part of the Internet? What is HTML? Do I need abrowser to visit the web? What does a hyperlink do? How do I findinformation on the Internet? What does it mean to "download?" Whatis email? Can I use the Internet to talk on the telephone? Subjectscovered include: Modem, protocol, TCP/IP, server, web page, domainname, URL, HTML, browser, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer,search engine, FTP, DSL. Each program comes complete with its ownstudy guide containing a glossary, additional questions andsuggested learning strategies.
Say No To Alcohol 1.0
This app discusses the effects andconsequences of alcohol use. It outlines the effects that alcoholconsumption has on the body and describes some of the health risksof short and long term use. The app also summarizes the reasons whyteens may chose to drink and points them to people andorganizations, which may be of help with substance abuse. Teensshare their experience and advice with other teens. Aftercompleting the program, a person should have a better understandingof alcohol and its effect on the body, what alcohol dependency isand why someone may chose to use alcohol.
Auto Mechanic 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner finds out whatkind of training is needed to move from an apprentice to atop-notch auto mechanic. He learns about the challenges faced byauto mechanics, including the use of computers in today'sautomobiles. Subjects Covered Include: What does it take to be anauto mechanic? What is an apprenticeship? Why do cars havecomputers in them? Is being an auto mechanic hard work? Do automechanics have their own tools? Is being an auto mechanicdangerous? Can auto mechanics specialize in certain types ofrepairs? What schooling is necessary to be an auto mechanic? Cangirls become auto mechanics? What is a certified automechanic?
Let's draw people's body 1.1
Learn how to conquer drawing a realistic humanbody. By learning the discipline of proportions, students can applythese important techniques to all of their future work. Some simpleyet elegant techniques are described in great detail that make thisdaunting task easy and fun.
Sex and Responsibility 2.0
This app tells us the A to Z of SexualResponsibilites.Explores subjects including sex, emotional awareness, physicalresponsibility & the various methods of birth control.Emphasized throughout are concepts of choice, consequences and howto avoid peer pressure and/or say no.
Environment 2.0
This app answers questions children ask aboutEcosystems such as: What is an Ecosystem? How does an EcosystemWork? Are Ecosystems threatened? How do we benefit from Ecosystems?What can man do to repair a damaged Ecosystem? What is thebiosphere? What is the rainforest? Why is the rainforest important?Where does it rain the most? What is a wetland? Why are wetlandsimportant? What is biodiversity? What is the biodiversity crisis?What is the environment? What is alternative energy? What isrenewable energy? What is conservation? What is Global Warming?What causes Global Warming? What are greenhouse gases? What is acidrain? What is bioenergy? What is a biomass? What is solar energy?Why should we be energy efficient? Each program comes complete withits own study guide containing a glossary, additional questions andsuggested learning strategies.
Photographer 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner visitscommercial photographer Ken Evett and learns about the many skillsnecessary for success as a photographer. Subjects Covered Include:What does a photographer do? What is the difference between aphotograph and a picture? What education do you need to become aphotographer? What type of equipment does a professionalphotographer use? Why is lighting important to become a goodphotographer? Why is communication important to being a goodphotographer? What is composition? Do photographers have to go tocollege? What is a fashion photographer? What is a medium formatcamera?
Mineralogist 2.0
In this app host Melody Young visitsmineralogist Joel Bartsch to discover the real value of mineralsand gems. Subjects Covered Include: What does a mineralogist do?Are all minerals valuable? What is the difference between a mineraland a rock? What is the most precious mineral? Why do they useminerals in toothpaste? Why are some minerals so colorful? What isfools gold? What is a gemstone? What makes a mineral valuable? Whatis a carat?
Communication 2.0
This app answers questions children ask aboutCommunication such as: What is the purpose of communication? Whyshould we care about communicating? What would happen ifcommunication didn't exist? Can you name some of the items that areused in everyday life that we do to communicate? Why do we send upsatellites? How does our environment affect the way we communicate?Why is it important to learn? What would happen we lost the abilityto communicate? Why do people use the internet to communicate? Whowas called the "Great Communicator"? Each program comes completewith its own study guide containing a glossary, additionalquestions and suggested learning strategies
Park Ranger 2.0
In this app, host Melody Young visits withpark ranger Jerry Bartel and learns about the care of the animalsand vegetation within the park setting. Subjects Covered Include:How does one become a park ranger? What does a park ranger do? Whatdoes a park naturalist do? Why do park rangers usually live at thepark? Can park rangers carry guns? Is being a park rangerdangerous? Do you have to go to college to be a park ranger? Whowould make a good park ranger? Can girls be park rangers? What typeof parks do park rangers work at? What kind of license is needed tobe a park ranger? Why are parks important?
Gymnastics II 1.0
Highly recommended for Gymnasts, parents,coaches and teachers. The 4-title Gymnastics series, is a wellproduced comprehensive, instructional series that assists coaches,parents and teachers to instruct students in an easy step-by-step,hands-on process. Many elite gymnasts including 17 Olympians havebenefited from the proven techniques and approach to excellencethat form the basis of the Mulvihill System. This system is both ascientific and aesthetic method for achieving the highest levels ofsuccess in all Olympic Gymnastic events. These same techniques canbe applied to students nationwide.Application IntroBeginning Tumbling: Easy planned progressions that focus onpace, body posture, and increasing strength and flexibility.Tumbling is one of the most important foundation activities forsuccess in gymnastics at all levels.
Eating Disorders 1.0
An app that discusses the eating disordersamong the youth today.Eating Disorders are a growing concern amongst teens. Appearanceis important in today's world however too often teens putappearance above all else with devastating results. Eatingdisorders in a teen's life is a complex subject with physical,psychological and emotional roots. Viewers will learn thedifference between anorexia and bulimia and why becoming obsessedwith weight can reveal serious underlying issues. Students willlearn some causes of eating disorders and the underlying desire forcontrol. They'll see that both sexes can be affected and thatgetting help is the answer. Eating disorders are complex,self-destructive and dangerous. In this program teens discuss theproblems and solutions of this important topic.
Dude! Where's my Job 2.0
An app for anyone who is looking for a job."Dude, Where's My Job," is a six lesson program for a careerguidance curriculum program that instructs students in the stepsnecessary to prepare, interview and find that elusive first realjob. Designed to save teachers' hours of research and preparationand preparation, this program also includes a detailed,reproducible 21 page Teacher's Lesson Plan which includesworksheets for personality profile assessments, career matching,resume writing, non-verbal communication, proper dress,interviewing and follow up. This program follows high school senior"Will" as he attempts to find a job. Will quickly learns thattrying a casual, laid back approach to finding a job is a lot morechallenging than just looking through the newspaper, picking up thephone and showing up for an interview. This informative, engagingand humorous live action program demonstrates the critical stepsnecessary to find a job. Also includes and additional CareerPlanning & Guidance program "Self Esteem & Your First Job,"which prepares students for their first job & teaches theimportance of self-confidence in the workplace. Students willlearn:How to prospect for jobs, How to write a resume, How to dressfor success, How to communicate and "sell" themselves in aninterview, How to gain the competitive edge and build selfesteem.
Runway Model 2.0
In this app hosts Jeff Gardner and MelodyYoung take a look at one of the most demanding and fun occupationswhen the visit a runway model. Subjects Covered Include: How do youbecome a runway model? Do you have to be pretty to be a runwaymodel? Can boys be runway models? What is a go-see? What is a callback? What is a portfolio? What is a modeling agency? Is being arunway model hard work? What other types of models are there? Whattype of education does a runway model need? Do runway models needto know about clothes?
Sales Person 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner learns about thespecial skills needed to be a successful salesperson. He meets withRay Cole - a master at his trade, who gives Jeff some pointers onthe art of sales. Subjects Covered Include: Careers related to asalesperson. Is important to dress nicely to be a salesperson? Whatis closing? Why are sales so important? What courses do you need totake to become a salesperson? Do you have to go to college? What isa cold call? Why is listening important in sales? Do salespersonsuse computers? Why is it important to tell the truth?
Sports Agent 2.0
In this app host Melody Young learns what it'slike to market and work out the contracts for the world's topprofessional athletes. Subjects Covered Include: What does a sportsagent do? What is a contract? Do you have to have a license to be asports agent? Do you have to go to college to be a sports agent?What is a negotiation? Why do you negotiate? What is anendorsement? What are the key aspects to being a sports agent? Whydo athletes hire agents? Are all agents lawyers?
Lets Draw Peoples Faces 1.1
The human face is the fundamental "real-life"subject in art. This unique program shows step-by-step just howthis is achieved. Students are carefully and patiently takenthrough the process of drawing the human face in a way that eventhe youngest of students can appreciate. The proportions of theface are mapped out, as well as some techniques from the finest artinstitutions in the world.
Web Designer 2.0
In this app, Melody visits cyberspace whereshe teams up with website designer Mona Currey to show what you cando with a working knowledge of computers.Subjects Covered Include:Website design as a career. Why is communication important to be awebsite designer? What type of training is necessary to become awebsite designer? How do website designers learn about the worldwide web? Is learning computer programming important? What type ofclasses do you need to take in school to be a website designer? Iscollege important to be a website designer? How does a websitedesigner get their clients? Why is the worldwide web important tobusiness? Different types of websites and designers?
Hollywood Directors: Journey 1.0
Science has made many gifts to the world.CINEMA is one of them, but it is incomplete without Arts, So Cinemais a development through many ages in terms of Evolutions in sinceas well as the finetune of Arts.At first, cinema could show only the speechless figures. Then, itimproved and showed the figures in action. Later, speech and musichave been fitted to cinema. Now, cinema can show full-fledgedpictures with voice and music, with sound and noise and latestadditions are special effects, animation and VFX. It requires hugeteams to make mainstream Hollywood movies and this teams aredivided into many departments such as lights, sounds, camera, preproduction and post production etc. There is one man common in allthe departments, he is the visionary….. who shares his vision toeach of the departments and extracts what exactly he wants …...thencomes the final Cinema that the world enjoys ……… it is theDIRECTORThrough this program we are Honoring Hollywood's Finest Directors& Cinema's Finest Filmmakers, Discussing all Aspects of TheirCareers & the Art of Filmmaking. A must-have for film lovers!This innovative series goes behind the scenes of different movies& talks with each director about their careers behind thecamera.It provides masterful insights on the craft of directing & is afabulous source of insight, anecdotes & industry secrets forlovers of film. Discover directors' earliest reactions to scriptsfor films that became classics; how legendary scenes were staged& shot & directors' unique approaches to their art. Eachprogram features an interview with the director, selected guests,film clips & stills.This app looks at the art of writing a movie or choosing a script,the care and feeding of actors, how to work successfully with eachactor, why your cinematographer is your best friend and a lookahead to the future of the industry.
Anesthesiologist 2.0
In this app, host Jeff Gardner visits withDr.Grover and learns about the specialized training, challengesandrewards of the medical profession, as well as the roletechnologyplays in today's medicine. Subjects Covered Include: Whatdoes ananesthesiologist do? Are there different kinds of doctors?Whattype of school does an anesthesiologist have to go to? How longdoyou have to go to school to become an anesthesiologist?Whatsubjects in school are important to be a doctor?Doanesthesiologists make a lot of money? Does ananesthesiologistneed to read a lot? Why is an anesthesiologistneeded duringsurgery? Is being an anesthesiologist hard work? Howmany hours aweek do anesthesiologists work? Why does it take solong for adoctor to get his license? Do doctors always knoweverything?
Horse Trainer 2.0
In this app Melody Young visitswithprofessional horse trainer Shelia Klein, who discusses thecare,training and dedication needed to train champion racehorses.Subjects Covered Include: Are there different types ofhorsetrainers? What is the difference between a quarterhorse andathoroughbred? Do you have to go to college to be a horsetrainer?Why is knowing math important to be a horse trainer? Why dohorsetrainers get up so early? How fast can horses run? Arehorsessmart? What is a jockey? What is a furlong? What does it meantobreak a horse? How long do horses live? How do you measureahorse's height?
MISS HIN 2014 1.0
**************CelebrationofWomanhood************Unlike any other Beauty Pageant, Hot Import Nights brings youthemost unique and democratic way of selecting the most adorablefemaleas “MISS HIN 2014”Miss HIN 2014, is the world’s most democratically heldbeautycontest, the uniqueness of the contest lies in the procedureofParticipating in the contest and Selection of the winner.Anybody can participate and HERE THE AUDIENCE IS THE JUDGEEach app user will RATE for the most adorable girl intheapplication itself, based on the total Rating counting, thehighestRating getter will be declared as the MISS HIN 2014, andthereafter every year MISS HIN Mobile contest will takeplace.The participation criteria:a. Must be a femaleb. Age - In this contest AGE is just a number, so anyonecanparticipate.c. Must be 18 years old as on 31/05/2014d .All the entries should come on or before 31/05/2014e. Anyone from any country, religion, language, race is welcomedtoparticipate in this contest by meeting the abovementionedcriteriasHow to enter the contestStep one: Download this application to your deviceStep Two: get into the application through your Facebook idandpasswordStep three: Click on “Submit your entry”Step four: Fill details, photographs, videos through the app ormailit to masterandbull@gmail.comThe very next working day you are up on the application astheNew participant, there after keep on updating your app withyournew pictures and videosFinal resultFinal result of the contest will be declared on 4th July,2014Prizes :To be declared on 14th February 2014, Follow Gratification:The profiles of the participants who have got the Top Twentyratingwill reach out to the Hollywood movie studios/ producersanddirectors. Since the world has chosen their most adorable ones,The probabilities are high that they will go places in theglamourindustry.Function and Prize distributionWill be declared on 14th February 2014, Follow
Say No To Gun Violence 1.0
This app discusses the effectsandrepercussions of weapons and violence on campus. Learn themethodsto control anger and where to get help when the pressures ofbeinga teen become overwhelming. This video details the punishmentsmostschools have in effect to curb fighting on campus. Itincludesinterviews with school officials on the dangers andpunishmentsinvolved with bringing a weapon on to campus.
Dark Side of Dating 1.0
This app highlights the dark side of datingintoday's date.Dating is a major part of high school social life. It should beapositive and enriching experience that will prepare teens forreallife. But, too often dating has a darker side. This programcoversthe dangers and potential negative aspects of dating.Students learnabout the harm caused from gossip and some of thecommon forms ofpressure student's face on and off a date. Theprogram alsoemphasizes the importance of standing up for yourselfin highschool. It shows why "no" means "no!" and how to make yourdesiresclear.
Gems Metals&Minerals 2.0
This app answers questions such as "Whatiserosion?" "How many different kinds of rocks are there?" "Whatiscoal?" "What is an alloy?" Each program comes complete with itsownstudy guide containing a glossary, additional questionsandsuggested learning strategies.
Marine Biologist 2.0
In this app, host Melody Young meetswithmarine biologist Andrea Cannon and joins her in her work tosavethe Kemp-Ridley sea turtle. Subjects Covered Include:Careersrelated to marine biology. What type of animals domarinebiologists work with? How long do you have to go to school tobe amarine biologist? Why is math important to be a marinebiologist?What is a sea turtle? What is a coral reef? Why issaltwater lifedifferent than freshwater? Do you have to go tocollege to be amarine biologist? Why do turtles bury their eggs?Why are seaturtles endangered? What is a t-e-d? Are computersimportant tomarine biologists? Why is it important to protectendangeredspecies?
Rodeo Rider 2.0
In this app host host Jeff Gardner as heentersthe rough-and-tumble world of rodeo bull riding withworld-championbull rider Scott Mendes. Subjects Covered Include:What does it taketo be a rodeo rider? Why do rodeo riders wearprotection? Can youmake a living being a rodeo rider? How does arodeo rider practice?Is being a rodeo rider dangerous? How longdoes a rodeo rider haveto stay on the animal? What schooling isnecessary to be a rodeorider? What does a rodeo clown do? Whatdoes a cowboy do? How didmodern rodeos get started?
Teacher 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner visitswithfifth-grade teacher Tresca Ndu and gains a new appreciation fortheart of teaching. He discovers the great dedication andpatiencerequired to become a number one teacher. Subjects CoveredInclude:What courses should you take to be a teacher? Do teachersever stoplearning? Do teachers take tests? Why is teaching a vitalcareer?Is a college degree necessary to be a teacher? What makes agoodteacher? Do teachers take the summer off? Why do teachersgivehomework? Why is listening important in teaching? Do teachersmakea lot of money? Why are communication skills important to be agoodteacher?
Directors Choice 1.0
In their own words, each Director selectsoneof their most compelling films and reveals intimate detailsabouttheir most influential work while reviewing specific clipsfromeach film. It includes how famous scenes were staged and shot,howcharacters were cast and how the directors first reacted tothescripts that became film classics.At first, cinema could show only the speechless figures. Then,itimproved and showed the figures in action. Later, speech andmusichave been fitted to cinema. Now, cinema can showfull-fledgedpictures with voice and music, with sound and noise andlatestadditions are special effects, animation and VFX. It requireshugeteams to make mainstream Hollywood movies and this teamsaredivided into many departments such as lights, sounds, camera,preproduction and post production etc. There is one man common inallthe departments, he is the visionary….. who shares his visiontoeach of the departments and extracts what exactly he wants…...thencomes the final Cinema that the world enjoys ……… it istheDIRECTORThrough this program we are Honoring Hollywood's FinestDirectors& Cinema's Finest Filmmakers, Discussing all Aspectsof TheirCareers & the Art of Filmmaking. A must-have for filmlovers!This innovative series goes behind the scenes of differentmovies& talks with each director about their careers behindthecamera.It provides masterful insights on the craft of directing & isafabulous source of insight, anecdotes & industry secretsforlovers of film. Discover directors' earliest reactions toscriptsfor films that became classics; how legendary scenes werestaged& shot & directors' unique approaches to their art.Eachprogram features an interview with the director, selectedguests,film clips & stills.
Anger Management 2.0
“Anger Management” this application ismadefrom The Real Life Teens series is an unbiased and realisticlookfrom the perspective of teens, at the wide variety of issuesteensface today featuring young teenagers telling their realstories, intheir own words. The series discusses significant issuesinadolescent society and cuts through many barriers with itshonestand relevant advice and information.
Medical Technician 2.0
In this app host Melody Young visits acardiactechnician and learns about the career opportunities inmedicinebesides becoming a doctor or a nurse. Subjects CoveredInclude:What education is necessary to become a medical technician?Whatcourses are important? What is an ultrasound? Why do they useanultrasound to see inside a person's body? Do ultrasoundmachineshurt? What is a heart monitor? Why do doctors use heartmonitors ontheir patients? Is science important to becoming amedicaltechnician? Where do medical technicians work? What isanatomy? Howmany chambers does a human heart have? What isanechocardiagram?
Animal Oddities 1.0
This Application answers questions suchas"What are protozoa?" "Are our teeth the same as animalsteeth?""How do earthworms eat?" "What is an echidna?" Each programcomescomplete with its own study guide containing a glossary,additionalquestions and suggested learning strategies.
Card Tricks 1.1
Learn various kinds of Card tricks usingsimplemath calculations.
Astronomer 2.0
In this app, host Jeff Gardner learns abouttherole of an astronomer and makes discoveries as he looks tothestars. Subjects Covered Include: Careers related to anastronomer.Why do astronomers use telescopes? How long do you haveto go toschool to be an astronomer? Why is math important to beanastronomer? What is a black hole? What type of person makes agoodastronomer? What are observatories and why are they usuallyonmountains? Why is astronomy the oldest science? Why doastronautsneed to know about astronomy? What is the hubbletelescope? Whyshould you not look directly at the sun? Arecomputers important toastronomers? Why are astronomers lookingthrough time?
Mysterious Mammals 2.0
This app answers questions such as "Whyarewhales considered mammals?" "What is a dolphin?" "Why doelephantshave big ears?" "Is the chimpanzee a monkey?" Each programcomescomplete with its own study guide containing a glossary,additionalquestions and suggested learning strategies.
Herpetologist 2.0
In this app host Herpetologist CharlieMannhelps host Melody Young understand the world of snakes and getoverher fear of the slimy creatures. Subjects Covered Include: Whatisa herpetologist? Are all snakes poisonous? What is thedifferencebetween poison and venom? What is anti-venom? What is themostdangerous snake in the world? Why do does a cobra spit? How doyoutell the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes?Whatis an amphibian? Can snakes swim? What do snakes eat? Cansnakesmake a good pet?
SpecialEffects Artist 2.0
In this app Melody Young joins a teamofprofessional make-up effect artists as they prepare actors forachilling haunted house! Subjects Covered Include: What makes agoodSpecial Effects makeup artist? What is Latex? What is a mold?Whattype of work is available to makeup artists? What educationisnecessary to be a Special Effects makeup artist? What is alifemask? Why is it important for special effect makeup toberealistic? What is an internship? What materials are importanttoknow about? Where does a makeup artist get their supplies? Whatarerobotics?
Nurse 2.0
In this app, host Melody Young goes onafascinating visit with Nurse Anne Bolan. She discovers thedemandsand rewards of the nursing profession. Subjects CoveredInclude:What does a nurse do? How long does it take to become anurse? Whatis a registered nurse? What courses are necessary tobecome anurse? Do men make good nurses? Do nurses work for doctorsorhospitals? Do nurses need to know about computers? Is itimportantfor nurses to study a lot? Why do nurses need to knowmath? What isone of the most important things to a nurse? Do nursestreatpatients? Who was Florence Nightingale?
Architect 2.0
In this app find out what is takes to becomeanarchitect as host Melody Young visits an architecturalteam.Subjects Covered Include: What makes a good architect? Howlongdoes it take to become an architect? Do architects buildthebuildings they design? Who is considered the fatherofarchitecture? What subjects are important in school to preparetobe an architect? What is a blueprint? Can computersdesignbuildings? Why do architects build models? Do architects needtoknow a lot about math? What is the difference between anarchitectand a designer? Why do architects need to belicensed?
Physical Therapist 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner visitswiththerapist Lien Phan and learns how the desire to help peopleandthe demands of the occupation shape the profession.SubjectsCovered Include: What does a physical therapist do? Why isphysicaltherapy important? What education do you need to become aphysicaltherapist? Why do they use an ultrasound to see inside aperson'sbody? Do you have to be strong to be a physical therapist?Where dophysical therapists work? Why do doctors prescribe physicaltherapyfor their patients? Is science important to becoming aphysicaltherapist? What type of person makes a good physicaltherapist?What type of license does a physical therapist need? Howdoes aphysical therapist design a program for their patients.
Paleontologist 2.0
In this app, host Melody Young meets up withadinosaur hunter whose career consists of digging up fossils.Visithis workplace in the museum and in the field. SubjectsCoveredInclude: What does a paleontologist do? Does apaleontologist onlydig for dinosaur bones? What type of school doesa paleontologisthave to go to? Do you need a college degree to be apaleontologist?Why do paleontologists work for oil companies? Whyarepaleontologists important? Does a paleontologist need to know alotabout history? Why is a paleontologist interested in old bones?Isbeing a paleontologist hard work? Why do paleontologist's workformuseums? Why do paleontologist's and geologist's workcloselytogether?
Computers 2.0
This app answers questions children askaboutComputers such as: What can you do with a computer? What isa"Motherboard?" What piece of computer equipment enables you toseethe information that is inside a computer? What do inputdevicesallow you to do? How does one computer communicate withanothercomputer? What is the difference between a "bit" and a"byte"? Whatis the difference between hardware and software? Whatis a computerfile? Subjects covered include:Abend, Bandwidth, Bit,Booting Up,Cable, Modem, CD-ROM, Data, DSL, Fiber Optics, FloppyDisc, HardDisc, Icon, Keyboard, Laptop, Computer, Modem, OperatingSystem,RAM, Scanner, Silicon, Software, Virus, WAN. Each programcomescomplete with its own study guide containing a glossary,additionalquestions and suggested learning strategies.
Guitar Maker 2.0
In this app, meet one of the worldsmostrespected electric guitar makers as host Melody Young discoversthesteps to making a guitar. Subjects Covered Include: Whydoessomeone become a guitar maker? What does a guitar maker do?What isa luthier? Does a guitar maker need to be able to playmusic? Whattype of school does a guitar maker have to go to? Do youneed acollege degree to be a guitar maker? Do guitar maker's get toseefree concerts? What type of bands do guitar makers makeguitarsfor? Do guitar makers make a lot of money? Are electricguitarsexpensive? Does a guitar maker need to know a lot aboutmath? Whattypes of wood are used in making a guitar? What is thedifferencebetween an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar?
Tailor 2.0
In this app host Jeff Gardner discussesthefine art of becoming a master tailor with Marco Perez.SubjectsCovered Include: How does one become a tailor? What is amastertailor? What is a seamstress? Why does one apprentice? Whatis analteration? What are the tools a tailor uses? What is apattern?When was the needle invented? What fabrics are the best?Why dotailors need to know math? Do tailors work a lot? What is themostimportant part of a tailors job?
Dentist 2.0
In this app host Melody Young gets acheck-upwith a modern-day dentist who performs magic. SubjectsCoveredInclude: How long do you have to go to school to be adentist? Whatmakes a good dentist? What does a dental hygienist do?Is a dentista doctor? What is a cavity? What is a filling? How arecavitiesformed? Do dentists make false teeth? What courses inschool willprepare you for becoming a dentist? What other careersare relatedto dentistry? Can girls become dentists?
Seamanship II 1.0
"Superb programs, Rousmaniere is a naturalteacher." - Cruising World."An excellent job of covering basic seamanship in this program."- Sailing World.Don't set sail without viewing this expertly produced series. -People Magazine. Based on the famous book and narrated by theauthor himself, John Rousmaniere, these award-winning programs aresome of the most outstanding in the field. Featuring World RenownedSailing Expert John Rousmaniere.Application IntroFeaturing world renonwned sailing expert John Rousmaniere. Inthis program, John Rousmaniere, sailing aboard a HinckleySou'wester sloop in the Caribbean shows the modern techniques andequipment for mastering tough conditions so that the experiencebecomes more enjoyable and less fearful. Maneuvers are demonstratedwith detailed close-ups and animated graphics. Subjects coveredinclude boat and crew preparation, how to avoid falling overboard,storm tactics, heaving to and drogue deployment, trimming andshortening sails in fresh, strong and gale winds. Plus excitingfootage from the Whitbread Round the World Race.